Divine Feminine's Soul Journey

Hello all,

I am Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma welcome! I am a Tarot Card Reader, Spiritual Healer, Vastu Consultant, Numerologist and Motivational Speaker . You can visit my you tube channel 'Mindful Journey Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma' for Hindi videos or my another you tube channel 'Foodz, Fun & Facts for English videos.

Hindi and English video versions of this tarot spread are available, just click on the video link given in this post.

Today's Spread:

Let's Start: 

Card 1- Time To Decide (Life Purpose Oracle Deck)  

Question: What is the life purpose of this Divine Feminine?

          Interpretation of The Card

·       In this life cycle she decided to break the cycle of death and rebirth. She decided this birth to be her last birth. She will break the 3D matrix illusion and will escape from the cycle of birth and rebirth once and for ever.
·       She will reach to the highest consciousness level and will unite with the universal consciousness while still in her physical body.
·       She will understand the laws of universe, how it works and how it affects life here on earth and as a whole.
·       She will gain high intellectual level and will understand the method of manifestation.
·       She will become the co-creator of her life.
·       She will influence the vibration of this planet as well as universe by vibrating in her divine vibrations.
·       She will communicate with universe via angelic sign and symbols.
·       Her presence and her high vibrations will greatly impact the people and environment surrounding her.
·       She will gain high self confidence, high self esteem and high social respect, highly successful life on her own.
·       She will work here as an earth angel for the sake of humanity till her last breath.
·       She will win all her emotional weaknesses.
·       She will become the definition of beauty with brain.   
·       She will live her true authentic life.
·       She will speak her truth
·       She will live according to her heart's true desires.
·       She will enter into God's Kingdom after completing this life.
·       She will be an honest person
·       She will be a courageous person.
·       She will experience many adventures and life-enhancing changes.
·       She will laid down the foundation of a new paradigm on earth.
·       She will learn the art of letting go.
·       Her life purpose involve completing many different projects.
·       She will be an expert of technology, computers, telecommunication.
·       She will be in charge of her life.
·       She will be very busy doing various meaningful works, doing them in enjoyable ways. 

       Card 2: Heart of The Moment (Journey of  Love)

       Question:  How was her love journey with her divine masculine?

         Interpretation of The Card

·       She experienced a love where time and space doesn't matter.
·       Where gender doesn't matter.
·       She experienced a merging of souls, a love beyond physical body.
·       She experienced Love is God and God is Love.
·       Many of them remembered their past lives with their DM.
·       This love triggered their issues related to shame and self-criticism, self judgment, anxiety, loss and despair, trust, jealousy, fear, doubt.
·       They entered into a transition zone of their life and relationships.
·       They started exploring their fulfilment, they started taking risk to gain happiness, to create their future, no matter what is going on around them
·       They started getting apart from their karmic relations in search of peace.  
·       She started living in the present.
·       She started experiencing a divine presence around her, presence of ascended souls, angels, positive energies around her.
·       She entered into her spiritualism.

         Card 3: Death ( The Soul's Journey):        

       Question: How this love changed her soul?    

                Interpretation of The Card

  •                Initiation of Merkaba, initiation of light body, activation of twin         flame energy, initiation of spiritual awakening.
  •  Old karmic cycles ended and new started
  •  End of old relations, work, career, situation and new life started.
  •  Activation of crown chakra, third eye.
  •  Heightened intuition
  •  Opening of heart
  •  Started learning new things, skills.
  •  Started spiritual practices.
  •  Started gaining knowledge and downloads from divine.
  •  Felt alone, lost, near death experiences, strange dreams, visions  
  •   Listening voices in head, gaining clarity about life quest
  •  Started living life in completely different manner
  •  Pain like hell
  • Mood swings, sometimes total confused.
  • emotional outbursts
  •  Loss of job, money, relatives, support system
  •  Secrets revealed layer after layer
  • Expansion of consciousness
  • Presence of divine in self.
  • Connection with God, Universe, Angles, Spirit Guides.
  • Understanding Soul's Purpose, Twin Journey etc.
  •  Understanding that death is an illusion
  • Understanding of energies and consciousness
  •  Only change is permanent

      Card 4: Patience ( The Power of Love)    

      Question: What she gained from this love?

      Interpretation of The Card

·       Learned patience, Surrender, Unconditional Love, Universal love.
·       Maintaining her mentle peace during her transformation and let universe do itd work.
·       Letting go of control over life, twin journey and DM.
·       Living in present
·       Step back from distraction.
·       she is a divine being and she will be presented by everything in divine timing so there is no need of wasting time on fear, anxiety.
·       Difficult situations are merely opportunities to make you aware of your true potential.
·       every incident is divinely ordered, we just have to be open to change and knowing it will occur
·       life is not a race, its journey.
·        In order to bring peace to the outer world, you must first realize patience in your inner world.
·       Good things come to those who wait. 

      Card 5: To Be Fair (Wisdom of The Oracle Divination Cards)
      Question: where she is heading towards?

·       Balance

·       Justice

·       Harmony

·       Wisdom

·       Liberation

·       Celebration
·       Joy
·       Abundance
·       Prosperity
·       Spirituality
·       Name, Fem, Money
·       Respect, honour
·       Good Health
·       Control on life
·       More Productivity
·       High rank service
·       Counselling, fashion, beauty
·       Mutually benefitting relationships
·       Fair settlements
·       Helping others to gain balance
·       Helping others who are less fortunate
·       Living life purpose
· Living the highest possible good life with kindness, empathy and courage.

      Card 6: Perception & Card 7: Release (Chakra Wisdom Oracle)
      Question: What is the outcome of this life?

 Interpretation of These Cards

·       She will connect to all that is, the universe, the nature, her own authentic self, her divinity
·       She will live a successful high value life
·       She will help the planet with her healing energy
·       She will attend the highest level of transformation possible on this planet.
·       She will release all karmic baggage,
·       She will transmute  all sorrow, grief, pain
·       She will receive divine guidance for her further journey after this life
·       She will break the cycle of death and life on earth.
·       She will take birth in higher dimensions after this birth
·       She will also release her ancestors from their karmic debts and help them to liberate
· She will achieve an immortal position due to her immense contribution to humanity. She will be remembered long after her departure from this plane due to her good deeds.   

     Hope You Like It.
     Thank You 
     Visit Again!

     Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma
     Mindful Journey

     Note: For Personal Tarot Reading What's App Me At 



  1. Very encouraging reading Maam. Thanks foe guiding

  2. Yeah it's very true.thanks.
    God bless u 🤗😁📯

  3. Mam thanks for ur kindness .u giving us really oosam suport.. I really mean it .mam I want ur support for chakraj hilling ..

  4. Mujhe bhut sari problems hein one by one mujhe unko jeetna hei..

  5. Mam Mera mam sapna hei pti chod kr ja Chuka hei do bchey hein . 17 sal sath rha aur chodtey wqt mere aur bchoo k bareeim Socha bhi nehi

  6. Mein bechari bm KR nehi blki bhut hi brave bn KR jeena chahti hu. taki jo bchey mere pass hein unko acchi life de sku.

  7. Mein kidher se suruaat kru Kya aap meri kisi trh help KR sktey ho

  8. Meria l sivay koi Mera nehi hei . Pr shiv bhgvaan ko meine hmesha apne sath pays hei .

  9. Mujhe umeed hei ki aap mujhe Marg dersan abasay doge reply jrur de mam

  10. gud evening mam... ye hindi me nhi h kya


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