How to Live A Happily Ever After Life? 


I am Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma from Mindful Journey... Welcome! I am a Tarot Card Reader, Spiritual Healer, Vastu Consultant, Numerologist and Motivational Speaker . You can visit my You Tube Channel 'Mindful Journey Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma' For Hindi Tarot Card Readings. Also visit my another channel 'Foodz, Fun & Facts' on You Tube.  

Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma

    We all often hear in fairy tales, anecdotes, stories, the story of a prince and princess, who eventually began to live happily forever....
All of us also want a life like this for ourselves, where a magic wand can be handed so that all the sorrows can be removed, the rest of life can be a happily ever after life. Isn't it?

     Is there any way to live a happy life?… Yes, there is. In this blog, I am going to describe the same. So that you can start living your 'Happily Ever After Life' from now on.

Remember - 'A Directionless And Aimless Life Can Never Be A Happy Life.'

     I have 35 measures that I have adopted in my life and have got better results than expected ... It is not possible to write all of them  in the same blog, so I have decided to divide  this topic in different parts. In this section, we will discuss the first 7 steps -

1. Determine The Definition of Happiness:

     The definition of happiness may be different for each person. According to your age, experience, circumstances and needs, your happiness may be different from the happiness of another human beings. First decide, when will you really, truly be happy? Is achieving something  is a measure of happiness for you?

     Make a list, make a definition, where is your happiness?
Make a blueprint for your happy life, what should be in it, when and how should it happen? We can move to another point only when the complete details are ready in your brain.

     This technique is called 'visualization', that is, 'Mental Cinematography'. Prepare a mental depiction of your future happy life and start feeling and experiencing the same ... You have started creating a path for your happy life.

     According to me, there can be four pillars of a happy life, if every column is strong, then your life is definitely good!
These are - good health, good relationships, good money, and good mind. 

     So visualize how your life will be if these four pillars are strong? This is the happy life you want to achieve, this is the definition of happiness for you!

2. Set Goals And Time Limits To Achieve Them:

     Now you know what you want from life, then set some goals to get them. Suppose you will be happy to build a house for your family, then set goals  to complete this task- like how much money will be earned? In what time you will earn this amount? how much is to be saved, how much to be invested  and where it should be invested?  To fulfil all these goals give yourself a dead line.

     Let's understand from another example, if you want to become an IAS officer, what  kind of coaching you will need?  How many hours  of  study is required every day? what study material is required? Which skills to learn and when to do each of these tasks? Thus  an entire blueprint should be prepared to make your dream come true.

3. Learn Time Management

     When your goals are clear in front of you, then just go get them ... Don't waste time. Once all planning is done, do not waste time. Learn the skill of time management. I will try to give time management tips in some of my other posts. Plan your day in the morning or a night before and stick to your plan.

4. Do Not Get Distracted:

     Often, even after starting the work on the first three points, we are unable to complete the scheduled work within the fixed time limit, because our attention is interrupted many times a day. For example, your friend called you and you went out to roam, without thinking how much impact it would cause on your schedule.  
     If we repeatedly allow our  focus to distract and waste time on  things that are not part of the plan, then you will never reach your goal on time. Do not let your attention wander until it is very important. Do not spend time on phone, TV or social media. Spend time with friends or travelling if you have completed all your tasks on that day.

5. Maintain A Journal:

     Before going to bed every night , analyze your daily plan carefully. Keep a journal  of what you have learned and achieved and what is to be done next. Keeping a journal will help you to make necessary changes in your daily planning and to get closer to your goal.

6. Follow The Japanese Rule 'Kaizen':

     'Kaizen'  is a Japanese word that means continuous improvement. If you want to improve or change your habit or to make a new habit, then start with small change instead of bringing big change. 
     Suppose you want to make it a habit to get up early in the morning, then instead of starting to get up early for two hours, get up early only five minutes per day !!!! And gradually increase the time. You will see that without any hassle you will incorporate the new habit in life. 

     Similarly, if you want to include exercise in your routine, then make it  a habit by start doing it only for 5 minutes and then increase the time gradually.

7. Reward Yourself:

     You have started working on all the points mentioned so far of a happy life and you have followed your daily plan correctly for a whole week, so now is the time to reward yourself. Watch your favourite TV show, hang out with friends, watch a new movie or play your PS4 game or gift yourself by purchasing some new item. 

     This will make you want to work with more enthusiasm next week, and the sense of achieving  something, will also increase confidence which will give you an inner happiness.

     Now what you are waiting for? Start working on the points mentioned in today's post. The more you understand the importance of discipline in your life, the closer you will be to a happy life. In the next post, I will talk about seven more solutions.

Till Then... Stay Happy! Stay Blessed!
Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma


  1. Thanks mam 😘😘😘😘you are beautiful soul in this universe 😘


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