Aquarius Past, Present & Future! (Timeless Tarot Spread)

Hello all,

I am Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma welcome! I am a Tarot Card Reader, Spiritual Healer, Vastu Consultant, Numerologist and Motivational Speaker. You can visit my you tube channel 'Mindful Journey Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma' for Hindi videos or my another you tube channel 'Foodz, Fun & Facts for English videos. A Hindi version and blog post is also available for this spread. There links are given in the description box. For personal readings please whats app me at 7424830300.

Let's start:

          Aquarius Past, Present & Future!
                             (Timeless Reading)

So these are the cards for today's reading. 

                                              Today's Spread:-

                        Question: Your Past

Everything never happened according to your plan but it happened for your good and at every point, every turn you though that now nothing can go wrong, and bang! Another surprise was ready for you to test you !
·        You want things fast and in your control
·        You wanted speed, expansion, development, recognition
·        you tried hard to get what you want
·        Your needs are being fulfilled by divine
·        You experienced deceit from own family members and others who were at respected place in your life.
·        Things happened rapidly in your life.
·        Things happened sooner than planned.
·        You may be an artist, or very creative,
·        You fallen in love with the last person expected.
·        Spiritual breakthrough in sudden unexpected ways.
·        Intuitive
·        Over thinking
·        Astral travel and out of body experiences
·        Clear dreams and visions
·        Unexpected travels
·        Desire to be outdoors, with nature
·        Want to cross limitations
·        Competent, multi tasking
·        Panic due to speedy development
·        Not living in present
·        Mistakes
·        Frustration
·        Feeling of restriction
·        A station vegan trying to be a Ferrari
·        Serious blunders due to hasty nature
·        Full of energy
·        Divine assistance
·        Caring husband
·        Expert, empathetic, pleasant, generous and loyal
·        Making good use of available resources

                                  Question: Your present

Completely different from past
·        Major karmic cycles ended
·        Understanding of true nature of people, energies, how to behave, how to remain calm, how to remain protected, how to feel safe,
·        Spiritual enlightenment
·        Purity of heart and soul
·        Balanced emotions
·        How to play the game of life
·        Learned from experiences and mistakes
·        Returning to your authentic nature
·        Repairing relationships
·        Trying to avoid drama
·        Making decisions in a calm status of mind.
·        Living in present
·        Understanding that you are not the victim of the fate
·        Overcoming procrastination and laziness
·        Not giving up before time, trying a little bit more for success
·        Very grounded conversations
·        Not get trapped in others manipulative conversations
·        Balanced communication
·        Keeping safe distance in relationships
·        Becoming more easy with tough challenging relationships
·        Conveying your thoughts in more intelligent manner
·        People cannot win you in arguments as you know now how to play safe.

                                  Question: Your Future

 Self made queen
·        Defeating all weaknesses oneself,
·        Death of the devil inside
·        The enemy is not outside, its within and no one can kill them but us
·        Getting divine help in overcoming inner enemies
·        End of co-dependency, expectation
·        Very confident, winner like energy
·        Inner and outer growth
·        Struggle and challenges confidently taken up
·        More knowledge  
·        Setting boundaries and priorities
·        Healthy competition
·        Your patience will be well rewarded
·        Outdoor activities
·        Increased focus
·        Choose your battles wisely
·        Overwork and strain may impact heath

               Question: How Will you get there?

·        By thinking in broad perspective
·        taking wise decisions for future
·        By support of guides and divine

·        Making big goals and working on new and creative ideas.

Question: What will be the final outcome?

 You will understand your true nature                                                                           
·        You will clean your issues from this as well as past lives
·        You will have a multiplayer spiritual awakening
·        You will change your soul's blueprint from negative to positive
·        Most possibly you will gain an energy of high priestess
·        You will clear your energy blockages
·        Lots of spiritual knowledge but not much money due to past life vows.
·        You can get union with your divine soul mate
·        The situations that trouble you will resolve and good changes will occur in your life.

 Hope You Like It.
Thank You 
 Visit Again!

 Dr. Gunjan Vishwakarma
 Mindful Journey
Note: For Personal Tarot Reading What's App Me At 





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